Racatac Products Inc

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The Racatac™ provides ergonomic and physical benefits that no other knee pads can offer. It was originally designed for the flooring installation industry, but it’s quickly becoming the most desired tool for all industries, which require kneeling as part of their daily work.

Our products are high quality, durable tools, manufactured to meet the demands of the customer, from length of useful life to return on dollars invested in the product. Using the Racatac™ will increase production, safety, and comfort for both employers and employees alike.

Our goal is to revolutionize the way the world works on its knees. If you work for any period of time on your knees on a regular basis, you owe it to yourself to try the Racatac™. After twenty years of working on my knees and thinking there has to be a better way, I have finally found it - The Racatac Way! 

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